تخطى إلى المحتوى

تخصصات الدبلوم في كلية التقنيا العليا ()

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

الموضوع في العنوان ..

حبيت اعرف شو تخصصات الدبلوم الموجودة في كلية التقنيا العليا فرع (( دبي ))

أرجو الإفادة ..

دخلت موقعهم و ماتوصلت لشي ..
قلت يمكن بنات التقنيا يفيدوني خليجية

IT AND Busines

Program Selection
Diploma Program – students who enter the Diploma program study Applied Business and Information Technology.

Higher Diploma and Bachelor Programs – at the end of the Higher Diploma Foundations year students make a selection to study in the following programs:
Business or Information Technology
Semester 1 is a common first semester for Business and IT students
Semester 2 – students can choose Business or IT stream

Business Stream
Semester 3 and 4 -students can choose E-business Management or General Business
Semester 5 and 6 students can choose Accounting, Banking and Financial Services, Human Resources, Marketing or Travel and Tourism

IT Stream
Semester 3 Students are registered in General IT

During Semesters 4/5/6/ students can choose a specialization from a range of areas including:
Computer Networking;
IT Trainer
Software Engineering
Web Development

Note: The of IT specializations offered will be based on the preferences made by students.
Applied Communications – Applied Media Studies
Health Science – there is a common first semester, then students can choose Pharmacy or Medical Imaging
Education – English Language Teaching in Schools or Early Childhood Education

Selection for programs is made on academic performance and space availability. Department Chairs and Career Counselors provide guidance to students in making their choice of program.


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