ويبته لكم عشان تقرونه………
والله بصراحه عجيييبه الكلمات ..يوم قريتها حسيت انها تعبر عن فداء الوطن من الخاطر….كنت بصيــــــــــــح!
Live my country, the unity of our Emirates lives
You have lived for a nation
Whose religion is Islam and guide is the Quran
I made you stronger in God’s name oh homeland
My country, My country, My country, My country
God has protected you from the evils of the time
We have sworn to build and work
Work sincerely, work sincerely
As long as we live, we’ll be sincere sincere
The safety has lasted and the flag has lived oh our Emirates
The symbol of Arabism
We all sacrifice for you, we supply you with our blood
We sacrifice for you with our souls oh homeland________________________________________
الـلــه يحفــــــــظ دولتــــــــــــــنا الغالــــــــــيهـ
فديـــــــــــــــــــت إماراتي
فديـــــــــــــــــــت إماراتي
it’s wonderful
ربي يحفظج يا بـــــــــــــــلادي
حـ الإمارات ـلا