تخطى إلى المحتوى

الخامس وسادس

الغاليات لوسمحتوا بغيت اي شي لخامس وسادس
لان و لا رابط موجود في القسم للصفين طاع يفتح معايا ومشكورات

المشكله انه المنهج اتغير كله الله ايعينا

السلام عليكم

هذي بعض اوراق العمل

بحطهن لج مكتوبه في الصفحه انسخيهن واطبعيهن

والله يوفق اعيالكم واعيالنا يااارب

انجليزي للصف الخامس

The Use of (some and any)

There is some milk in the fridge . There are some books on the table.
I have some orange juice. She has some apples.


There isn’t any milk in the fridge. There aren’t any books on the table.
I don’t have any orange juice. She doesn’t have any apples.
Have you got any money? Are there any carrots in the fridge?
Is there any milk in the fridge?


Complete the following sentences using (some or any)

1- There are …………………… pupils in the playground.

2-Last Friday, I bought………………… orange juice.

3- There isn’t …………….. water in the glass.

4- There is ………………….. soda in the fridge.

5- Did you have ……………… sugar?

نموذج امتحان انجليزي للصف الخامس

Reading comprehension

Read then mark (√) or (x) A-
Ali`s father opened a restaurant in the city last week .He always worked days. Now he worked some nights, too. Ali was very sad because he missed his father very much. Ali and his mother went out to get dinner but Ali wasn’t hungry and he didn’t want to eat. The owner of the restaurant asked,"You don’t like our cooking, Ali?". Ali looked up. It was his father.

1- Ali`s father opened a supermarket. ( )
2- Ali was very sad. ( )
3-The mother ordered a pizza for Ali. ( )
4- Ali`s father always worked days. ( )
5- Ali didn’t eat his dinner. ( )

B-Read the following passage, then answer the question blow:

Tom lives on a farm. He and his family have cows, chickens, and horses. Tom has to feed the chickens everyday. He always feeds them before school.

10 1- Choose the correct answer:
a- Tom lives on ( a city – a town – a farm – a village).
b- Tom lives with his (family – uncle – friends – grandfather).
c- Tom has to feed the ( cows – chickens – fish – horses) everyday.
d- The underlined word (He) refers to (cows – Tom – family – chicken).
e- The opposite of before is (next – behind – above – after).
Grammar 2-

A- Circle the correct word:
1- What would you …………………….to eat?
a- like b- likes c- liked d – liking
2- There isn’t………………………water in the glass.
a – some b – much c – many d – any
3 – Hamad ran too fast and fell down. He hurt……………..
a – myself b – herself c – yourself d – himself
4- You ………………. see a doctor when you are sick.
a – shouldn’t b – is c – should d – are
5 – ……………… there any apples?
a – Are b – Is c – Do d – Am
6- Last week we ……………………to Dubai.
a – go b – went c – goes d – going
7 – Yesterday my mother ……………….a sandwich fir me.
a – make b – makes c – made d – making
8 – How ………………… did the fruit cost?
a – many b – long c – often d – much
9 – ………………….. do you have lunch? At 2:00 PM
a – What b – When c – Where d – How
10 – I usually …………………to school by bus.
a – go b – goes c – going d – went

B – Correct the underlined words:

1- There is any milk in the fridge. ( )

2 –She fell down and hurt myself. ( )

3 – You should eat too many sweets. ( )

4 – Last Friday I take out the garbage. ( )

5 – Abdullah is short than Ahmed. ( )

3- Vocabulary
A – Circle the correct word:
10 1- I have a toothache, I should see a …………………..
a – doctor b – teacher c – dentist d –waiter
2 – She got ………. late yesterday.
a – of b – at c – in d – up
3 – I always get dressed ………………..school.
a – after b – before c – at d – behind
4 – I …………………….. a really funny book yesterday.
a – listen b – read c – watch d – speak
5 – I want a ……………….of ice-cream.
a – carton b – box c – punch d – can
6 – You should wear your ……………….. when you ride your bike.
a – jeans b – hat c – jacket d – helmet
7 – My ear hurts, I have ……………………..
a – a headache b – a stomachache c – an earache d – a toothache
8 – Did you cut yourself with a ………………………
a – knife b – pen c – chair d – book
9 – I want a of …………………… soda.
a – punch b – bag c – can d – box
10 – Last Friday we eat lunch at a ………………………….
a – hospital b – restaurant c – school d – bus

B – Fill in the blanks using the word bank:
cost – celery – order – should – headache


1- Let’s buy a punch of ……………………………

2- I have a ………………………..,my head hurts.

3 – How much did your lunch …………………………..?

4 – You ……………………..eat vegetables.

5 – What would you like to ………………………………?

4 – Writing
1- Spelling:
Fill in the missing letters:
I’d like a h…t dog and so…..e f…..ies.

2 – Handwriting:
Write the following sentence in neat handwriting:
You should eat fruit and vegetables.

3 – Complete the following table:

4 – Write THREE meaningful, varied related sentences:

3 about what you did last weekend.




5- Writing a paragraph of about 30-50 words, using the guide words / phrases provided.


You – should – should – go to bed late – drink soda – exercise – eat fruit – eat vegetables – watch TV – eat too many sweets.

خامس انجليزي

1-Yesterday I ( get , gets , got ) up early.

2-Adel always ( eat , eats , ate ) his breakfast .

3- We (am , is , are ) friends .

4- I wash the apple ( before , never , after ).

5- Last weekend Salma ( do , did , does ).

6- I usually ( make , made , making ) lunch for my family.

7- My mother ( cook , cooked , cooks ) food yesterday .

8- Ali goes to school ( yesterday, tomorrow , everyday ).

9- I ( get , got , gets ) scared when I see a snake .

10- Hamad ( have , has , had ) cold today .

انجليزي خامس

My time
Choose the correct word :
1 – Take this …………………out the door .
a ) computer b ) garbage c ) water
2 – ……………… your homework .
a ) Do b ) Does c ) Did
3 – My brother likes to mow the …………………….
a ) computer b ) garbage c ) lawn
4 – My sister always ………….. the table for us .
a ) sets b ) makes c ) takes
5 – I ……………… the floor after school .
a ) water b ) sweep c ) do
6 – Before going to school , I ………………… my bed .
a ) set b ) make c ) take
7 – I can´t…………….. the clothes .
a ) watch b ) wash c ) do
8 – When I finish my chores , I will be ……………….
a ) busy b ) feed c ) free ************************************************** ***********
Fill in the ****** :
chess – club – grocery store – piano – once
1 – I go to the ……………….. to play soccer .
2 – I go to the park ………………. a week .
3 – I help my father in his ……………….
4 – My friend is going to start ……………. lessons this week .
5 – I play a ………….. with my friend .

انجليزي خامس

who ia m

1. I make bridges and houses. …………………………..

2. I make tables and chairs. . …………………………

3. I draw nice pictures. ……………………………

4. I drive buses. ……………………………

5. I take pictures with the camera. ……………………………

6. I go to school, I write my homework and study. ………………………….

7. I put out the fire. ……………………………..

8. I fix teeth. ………………………..

9. I help the doctor. ………………………..

10. I fly airplanes. …………………………

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