حبيباتي بطلب منكن طــلب
انه تساعدووني في هالاستبيان ضرووري
لانه عندي بــــحث
واذا عندي اخطااء تخبرووني
واي سؤاال انا حـــــــاضرة …..
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1. what is the positive and the negative of marriage early?
2. what is the positive and the negative of delay in the marriage?
3. Is the age approach between fathers and the sons is necessary to making successful relations between them? Is is so make the age difference between them the disagreement caused in between them.
4. Is early marriage and if they had to love the loss of love after a long time between spouses? What is the solution to endure love that lasts for many years?
1. What are the positive and the negative of marriage early?
2. What are the positive and the negative of delay in the marriage?
3. Is the age approach between fathers and the sons is necessary to making successful relations between them? Is so make the age difference between them the disagreement caused in between them.
4. Is early marriage and if they had to love the loss of love after a long time between spouses? What is the solution to endure love that lasts for many years?
انا مب فالحه بالتعبير
دوم اكتب سطر اذا كثرت
ترا اللي بالاحمر غيريه
سوي كوبي من اللي طرشته الحين لازم يكون كبتل اول 2
ولازم are
في سؤال كنت مكرره
ما قصرتي
انا كان قصدي تحلوون الاستبيااااان
بليييز خواتي
ساعدووني في حل الاستبياااااااان عسب اكمل بحـــثي
the positive is for example the groom and the bride will feel that they have responsibility and they will do many things to make a good family.
The negative maybe the bride of the groom are not ready for the responsibility .
2. What are the positive and the negative of delay in the marriage?
Have many ideas and good background of marriage
delay of having a children maybe because of body health and the age is affect on having a children
ان شاءالله اذا قدرت اكمل ع الاسئلة برد عليج ان شاء الله
واذا يتني افكار بعد الله كريم
بس انتي متى تسليم بحثج
والله يوفقج ويسهل عليج
والسموحة ع القصور
التسليم عقب اسبووع
مشكوووووووورة حبوبة وما قصـــرتي ..