ًVictoria English school بالشارقه؟

السلام عليكم..
حد عندوووو اي فكره عن هل مدرسه؟
بدي اسجل ابني في الحضانه اللي فيها.. شو رايكم فيها؟؟

ان شاء الله البنات يفيدونج


مدرسة زينة والطلبة يتكلمون انجليزى من كى جى بالتوفيق .

وكيف الدين والعربي عندهم؟ مابدي ابني يطلع ما يعرف يحكي عربي كمان



خليجيةخليجيةخليجية السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته خليجيةخليجيةخليجية

يغلق لتكرار الموضوع



Complaining in English

Complaining in English

When complaining in English, it helps to be polite. This page will help you with this important English speaking skill

In a shop
You’re in a shop and the assistant gives you the wrong change.

"Excuse me, I think you’ve given me the wrong change", or "Sorry, I think this change is wrong. I gave you $20, not $10."

In a hotel"Excuse me, but there’s a problem with the heating in my room."

"Sorry to bother you, but I think there’s something wrong with the air-conditioning."

"I’m afraid I have to make a complaint. Some money has gone missing from my hotel room."

"I’m afraid there’s a slight problem with my room – the bed hasn’t been made."

When people apologise, they normally say "sorry" and offer to put the situation right.

"Excuse me, but there’s a problem with the heating."

"I’m sorry – I’ll get someone to check it for you."

or "Sorry to hear that – I’ll send someone up."

Speaking tip
Although you may find it strange to use the word sorry when you complain, English speakers consider it polite. It will help you get what you want!

منقول للاستفاده

وان شاء الله قريب بنزل مواضيع احلى واحلى

ادعولي الله يخليكم لاهاليكم

خليجيةthanks sis for this useful subject
I like it so much

welcome dear …

thank you my dear

Thankyou Honey

I loved the subject

Nice case
thanks my sis

u r welcome and thanks


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله ويركاته..

شو رايكم ف معهد ENGLISH WORLD

ليش محد جاوبني؟؟؟هالمعهد موجود ف راك

الغاليه انا اول مره اسمع فيه ان شاء الله الخوات يقدرون يساعدونج

انا بعد خاطري اعرف منو راح هالمعهد؟؟

English zone?

السلام عليكم خواتي ….بغيت اوراق عمل او ملخصات …لمنهج انكليزي الصف الخامس.هذا المنهج..english zo ne للمدارس الخاصه؟؟



سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم


للرفع ..,,


EnGlisH QuiZ FroM eL7eLwa To All MemBer

hi girls

this is the First quiz …and i will do more if i see that u like the quizes


1. Mark ….. fly to London tomorrow.

A. to going
B. goes to
C. is going to
D. go to

2. I have class …..

A. on Mondays.
B. in Mondays.
C. at Mondays.
D. by Mondays.

3. John is the manager, you need to speak to …..

A. it.
B. him.
C. her.
D. you.

4. I wanted a purple bike but they only had …..

A. a one green.
B. one green.
C. a green one.
D. a green.

Wait your answer


Hi Sister…This is a brilliant idea.. You can count me in:1 (21):

Here are my answers
1-Mark is going to fly to London tomorrow

2 – I have class on mondays

3 – This one is confusing though.. i will just have a guess… Him John is the manager, you need to speak to

4-I wanted a purple bike but they only had a green one


خليجية المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Mona23 خليجية
Hi Sister…This is a brilliant idea.. You can count me in:1 (21):

Here are my answers
1-Mark is going to fly to London tomorrow

2 – I have class on mondays

3 – This one is confusing though.. i will just have a guess… Him John is the manager, you need to speak to

4-I wanted a purple bike but they only had a green one


GooD JoB


خليجية المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الرزينـــــــه خليجية


GooD JoB



حليت الأسئلة كلها صح

اكتبي مستواج في English ّّواختبري نفسج في voc & gram ,,وبيصلحولج الاختبارّّّّّ

بسم اللة الرحمن الرحيم

صلوا عل النبي,,,,,

المربع المكتوب فية ,,,change my level

]في مربع بجانبة,, اضغطي علي السهم,وحددي مستواجّّّ

باتكون كل الامتحانات الي في المربع الاسفل تناسب مستواج الي


وبعدين ّّّّّّ اختاري الامتحان الي تبغينة,,,بانج تضغطين

علي السهم (لونة ازرق

فاتح+ ازرق غامج)

يوم بتخلصين الاختبار ,,اضغطي علي ,,,evaluate ,,,

وبايصلحولج الاختبار,,,,

الاختبارات,,, ماتخلصّّّمن صفحة 1 الي 41

كل ماادربت علي ها الاختباراتّّّّكل ما قويت مستواج



يسلموووووو ..

يسلمووو الغلااا على اللينك المفيد

جزاج الله خير على الطرح المفيد

خليجية المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عيناوية 2024 خليجية
مشكورة الغالية ع المعلومة

العفوّّّّوتسلمين علي المرورّّّ

خليجية المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ورد جوري.. خليجية
يسلموووووو ..

تسلمين علي المرورّّّّّّ

خليجية المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة هيمانه خليجية
يسلمووو الغلااا على اللينك المفيد

تسلمين ع المرورّّّّّ

To Improve Your English Skill

To Improve Your English Skill You Need

Q: what’s the benefit of studying grammar and doing exercises
to improve your English ,to know which level you are and to what extent you are progressing

Q: Is it possible to improve your speaking skill without visiting English speaking country
Yes, it’s possible because you can improve your English by many ways

Q: How to improve your Writing Skill
To improve your writing skill write every thing you want .Write about your hobbies, interests or write e.mail to your pen friend

Q :what’s the benefit of reading a text
it shows you structures and expressions that you can use them in writing or speaking , it see you grammatical roles naturally. and make you encounter new words

Q: what ‘re the materials that help you in improving your listening skill
There are so many materials that can help you in improving your listening skill such as Radio, Broadcast, and CDs in English

Q : why should you expand your vocabulary
you expand your vocabulary to improve your ability to think and express yourself, and to understand more of the world around you and within you

:22 (11):



Thank you so much for these valuable advices
They are really great

I used to read English stories and i really learned a lot from them, then i start to write my thoughts and ideas in English on my private notbook, and after that i felt confident enough to join English Dep. in the University


Good Luck everyone

Thank…… my sister







شهاداااااااات تقدير English

شهاداااااااااااااات تقدير



مشكورة الغالية

حلو الموقع وايد ومفيد.. مشكورة اختي ويزاج الله الف خير..


مشكورة الغالية

مشكوووورة اختي

مشكوووره كنت ابي اسوي للطالبات
وفرتي علي الوقت

let’s improve our english!

hi everyone! how are you?? how’s everything with you?
today i want you to help me to improve my and your English language

how’s that?
it’s pretty easy>>
all what we have to do is to write whatever we want here but in English,, any other language is NOT allowed

let’s talk about our daily life,, our problems.. and let’s try to find a solution for them.. and for sure"IN ENGLISH"

why’s that?the answer is so simple.. that’ll help us to improve our language so we can use it in our life to communicate with those who came to the country before a while~ + this will help you in your school, your university or even your job!

so, what we have to do is to correct our mistakes and learn from them..

if you have an exam after a while "TOEFL or IELTS" or even a normal english exam then you can come here and we’ll help you to get ready for it

to me,, i have an IELTS exam on 20th of february.. i really want to pass this cute little exam and i really need your help

now what do you think about my idea??

let’s start!!

It’s a nice and interesting idea

Thank sister for this subject

you’re welcome ^^

am, can i ask why are you interisted in learning English?

I hated anything about english in the past, maybe because I am bad
in it but now I hope to be good in this subject

MY reasons
First:because all subject in my university is english and i don’t want to be bad in my study because english

Second:I think there is nothing difficult (my rule :If you want you can

Third: I hope to complete study in the USA

What about you?

a good idea …I liked

I passed in ILETS exam but now I forgot

So that I want to improve my english language

please help me

its agood idea

i want to improve my english in speaking , i know the meaning of words but i cant speak well help me خليجية

hi everyone ^^ i’m so happy for your replys..

I hated anything about english in the past, maybe because I am bad
in it but now I hope to be good in this subject

MY reasons
First:because all subject in my university is english and i don’t want to be bad in my study because english

Second:I think there is nothing difficult (my rule :If you want you can

Third: I hope to complete study in the USA

What about you?

good rule! i loved it ^^ it’s nice to have such a dream.. but in my case, my family won’t allow me to study in a foreign country T-T
well,, i believe that English isn’t just a language that we learn because we love it
but it’s one of the most important things that we must learn to achieve our goals in life
that’s why i really really want to learn english,, it’s the language that all the world do understand~

a good idea …I liked

I passed in ILETS exam but now I forgot

So that I want to improve my english language

please help me

great! i didn’t have the exam yet,, it’s on 20th of february,, wish me luck ^^
and welcome with us sweety ^^

its agood idea

i want to improve my english in speaking , i know the meaning of words but i cant speak well help me

hi honey,, am.. for speaking you need to spend an enough time talking with a friend in English,, + you have to practice speaking infront of the mirror.. that sounds crazy but it’s an important tip.. + think in english too,, that may help as well

to me,, no one can understand my English except my best friend ^^ it’s too difficult to follow me,, even foriegn people.. they always ask me to repeat what i say.. that makes me upset but i believe with little practice everything will be good خليجية hope that we can help each other here

sorry for being late but i had some circumstances ^^

نرحب بالمشرفة الجديدة English Club Supervisor

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

نرحب بالمشرفة الجديدة( أمووون )

English Club Supervisor

التي انضمت إلى أسرة نادي سيدات الإمارات الإلكتروني

ونشكر لها اهتمامها بالموقع وننتظر ابداعاتها وعطاءها



mabrook … w yalla shdi 7elch o 6al3e ebda3atech

w alf shker le bent zayed le anha dom m3ana

الترجمة خخخخخخ

مبروك ويالله شدي حيلج ويالله طلعي ابداعاتج ..
والف شكر لبنت زايد لانها دوم معانا ..

كونقريت يليشن خليجية

تسلمين يا بنت زايد

ههههههههههههههههه صدووووووووووي من الحينه ماشي عربي و لا شي ترجمة.. اللي يدش النادي العنجريزي لازم يرطن…. اي رطنة المهم يرطن ههههههههه

خليجية خليجية

مبرووووووووووووووووك اموووووووووووون وتستاهلين كل خير

وبالتوفيق ان شاء الله

خليجية خليجية

hi amooon


[16]واونها ما تداني قوم بوبنت هههههههه[/16]

ألف ألف مبروووووووووووووك أمووون والله يعين البنات على العنجريزي لول يالله بنهريييييج أسئله لول

أبله أمووون شوفي صدى حنيني كاتبه انجليزي مو مفهوم منقع

مشكوووره بنت زايد على هالخبر لول


منو أمووون هاي؟؟؟ شو تبيع ؟؟

هههههههههههههه شردت… كالعادة

زغروطه حلوه للغاليه أمووون
كلولولولولولولولولولولولوولولولولولولولولولولووووو ووش خليجية

بالبركة عليج الاشراف يا امونتنا.. وتهرينه بعرق العافيه خليجيةخليجية

[01]أبلة أمووووووووووون[/01]