سؤال عن تخصص BUSINESS CONCENTRATION بنات تقنية الشارجه السنه الثانيه


عندي كمن سؤال عن تخصص البزنس و الاي تي واللي هو اسمه BUSINESS CONCENTRATION

وهذا تخصص يديد فاتحينه في تقنية الشارجه يعني بعد ما الطالبة تعدي السنه الأولى وتخلصها وادش السنة الثانية ممكن انها تختار التخصص اللي ذكرته فوق…..

وسؤالي حق بنات تقنية الشارجه واي اماره ثانية اذا عندهم ها التخصص شو طبيعة ها التخصص و هل هو صعب ولا لا ؟ وهل حسيتي انه حلو و ممتع شو الموات اللي تاخذونها … ؟

والسموووووحه منكم ادري اسألتي وااايد خليجية

اللهّم اغننا بحلالك عن حرامك ،

وبطاعتك عن معصيتك ، وبفضلك عمن سواك ،

اللهّم لا تكلنا إلى أنفسنا طرفة عين ،

اللهّم آمين


أب أب

يومياااااات Miss Business .

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته …

اشحالكم بنااااااااات ؟؟؟

شو مسوييييييييين ؟؟؟

الصراحة امس دخلت قسم علاج السمنة والنحافة ومريت على مواضيع وايده … شجعتني وحفزتني …

الصراحة ما ابى الصيف يمر وما اسوي فيه شي …

ان شاء الله ناويه اتغير قبل رمضان والدوامات …

والله كاره عمري من المتن … مستويه جني ( دبه متييييييييينة … تأكل عجييينة ) لووووووووول ..

القهر عبيي وملابسي ضاقو علي …

بس من شهرين زاد وزني 13 كيلووووووووو … والله مقهوووووووووورة …

في فترة قصيرة يزيد وزني هالكثر …

سويت من أسبوعين ريجيم لقيته فالنت … اسمه ريجيم فلوووونه …

الصراحة عجيييييييب بس ما التزمت ولا كملت …

سويته أسبوع ونزلت 4 كيلو …

بس هالمرة ناويه اخفف واسوي رياااااضة … ما احرم نفسي من شي ولا التزم بريجيم معين …

لانه مرات يستوي ف خاطري آكل شي معين وما ابى آكل اللي فالريجيم …

اتمنى القى حد يشجعني … ويشاركني في مشوار نزووووووول 20 كيلووو …

احس مب صعب انزل 20 كيلو خلال شهر ونص … ولا اقل حتى … بس ما عندي حد يشجعني …

اذا ما كلت قالولي مصفرة .. واذا قلت شي يعورني قالولي ما تأكلين …

ادعوووولي وشجعوني …

وان شاء الله كل يوم بكتب لكم بالتفصيل الممل عن يومياتي …

والسموووووووووووووحة منكم …

اليوم الأول:

أول ما نشيت الصبح …

شربت نص لتر ماي … ومعاه شوية ماي الزعتر المركز …

وعقب كلت كورن فليكس مع حليب قليل الدسم …

والساعه 1:30 يعت … وكلت خوخه …

وبعد شوي بشوف شو بتغدا …

شوفي لازم اتابعين عند دكتورة تغذية احسن بينزل وزنج بسرعه واهم شي انا سمعت عن ريجيم يثبت الوزن يعني بعد ماتنزلين ما ايرد يرجع وزن يزيد
الله يوفقج

خليجية المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة تعب حالۓ خليجية
شوفي لازم اتابعين عند دكتورة تغذية احسن بينزل وزنج بسرعه واهم شي انا سمعت عن ريجيم يثبت الوزن يعني بعد ماتنزلين ما ايرد يرجع وزن يزيد
الله يوفقج

هلا الغالية ..

تسلمييييييييييين … يوفق الجميييييع ياااارب ..

الغالية .. سرت لدكتورة قبل … وكانت وايد اوكييييييه … بس ما استمريت معاها …

معني كنت متابعه معاها … وكانت وايد تشجعني …

بس تميت اخفف روحي بدون ريجيمها … وكانت تقولي اوكيييييه شكلج منضبطه بالريجيم … وانا كنت اسوي ريجيم روحي .. بس اسير لها عسب اشوف نسبة الدهون ف جسمي ..

واحينا المدربة ف الجيم تسويلي نفس الفحص …

والسموووووووووووحة …

موفجة الغاليهـــــ ^^

بس انصحج الاول تسوين تخفيف اكل عقب تدشين الرجيم .. الاغلبية مايقتنعون بهالفكرة لانهم يبون يضعفون بسرعة بسرعة لوول .. بس صدقيني لو خففتي اكل وعقب بديتي بالرجيم بتنزلين ولابتحسين بعمرج ولا بتملين من الرجيم وتودرينه من ثاني اسبوع بعد ^^

ولا تحاتين .. نحنا كلنا وياج .. نتابعج ونشجعج ونهزبج ونعضج بعد هآع




على فكرهـ

نكج وااآآآااايد آنيق .. ^_*


خليجية المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سـارهـ ^^ خليجية
موفجة الغاليهـــــ ^^

بس انصحج الاول تسوين تخفيف اكل عقب تدشين الرجيم .. الاغلبية مايقتنعون بهالفكرة لانهم يبون يضعفون بسرعة بسرعة لوول .. بس صدقيني لو خففتي اكل وعقب بديتي بالرجيم بتنزلين ولابتحسين بعمرج ولا بتملين من الرجيم وتودرينه من ثاني اسبوع بعد ^^

ولا تحاتين .. نحنا كلنا وياج .. نتابعج ونشجعج ونهزبج ونعضج بعد هآع




هلا الغالية …

ان شاء الله ناويه خفف …

وشاله من بالي فكرة الريجيم … لاني ما التزم بشي معين ..

أخاف آكل ع راحتي ما اتقيد بشي …

تسلميييييييييييين فديتج …

بنات تقية دبي الي عندها بروجكت زاهب عن البازار او عن اي موضوع في small business ارجوم

السلام عليكم بنات

انا في جامعه خاصة واتمنى من البنات الي عندم project عن small business
او عن البازار الي في كلية التقنية في دبي تساعدني عندي بروجكت ولازم اسلمة وانا بصراحه ما عندي وقت طول وقتي في الجامعة والدوام وما ارد البيت الي اخر اليوم ب الي تقدر اتساعدني بليز اطرشلي علي الخاص

بنات وينكم

بروجكتات لمواد IT او Business

بنات اللي تعرف حد يسوي بروجكتات لمواد الايتي IT او البزنس تخبرني لاني عندي بروجكتات ظروريه

Definition of Business Ethics
What is Business Ethic

Business ethics is the behavior that a adheres to in its daily dealings with the world. The ethics of a particular business can be diverse. They apply not only to how the business interacts with the world at large, but also to their one-on-one dealings with a single customer

Many businesses have gained a bad reputation just by being in business. To some people, businesses are interested in making money, and that is the bottom ****. It could be called capitalism in its purest form. Making money is not wrong in itself. It is the manner in which some businesses conduct themselves that brings up the question of ethical behavior
Good business ethics should be a part of every business. There are many factors to consider. When a company does business with another that is considered unethical, does this make the first company unethical by association? Some people would say yes, the first business has a responsibility and it is now a link in the chain of unethical businesses

Many global businesses, including most of the major brands that the public use, can be seen not to think too highly of good business ethics. Many major brands have been fined millions for breaking ethical business laws. Money is the major deciding factor
If a company does not adhere to business ethics and breaks the laws, they usually end up being fined. Many companies have broken anti-trust, ethical and environmental laws and received fines worth millions. The problem is that the amount of money these companies are making outweighs the fines applied. Billion dollar profits blind the companies to their lack of business ethics, and the dollar sign wins
A business may be a multi-million seller, but does it use good business ethics and do people care? There are popular soft drinks and fast food restaurants that have been fined time and time again for unethical behavior. Business ethics should eliminate exploitation, from the sweat shop children who are making sneakers to the coffee serving staff that is being ripped off in wages. Business ethics can be applied to everything from the trees cut down to make the paper that a business sells to the ramifications of importing coffee from certain countries
In the end, it may be up to the public to make sure that a company adheres to correct business ethics. If the company is making large amounts of money, they may not wish to pay too close attention to their ethical behavior. There are many companies that pride themselves in their correct business ethics, but in this competitive world, they are becoming very few and far between
Business Ethics is the application of Ethical values to the business world. It applies to any and all aspects of business conduct. Business ethics is relevant to the conduct of individuals and also relevant to the conduct of the business organizations as a whole. In the increasingly conscience-focused marketplaces of the 21st century, the demand for more ethical business processes and actions (known as ethicism) is increasing. Simultaneously, pressure is applied on industry to improve business ethics through new public initiatives and laws (e.g. higher UK road tax for higher-emission vehicles). Businesses can often attain short-term gains by acting in an unethical fashion; however, such antics tend to undermine the economy over time
Business ethics can be both a normative and a deive discip****. As a corporate practice and a career specialization, the field is primarily normative. In academia deive approaches are also taken. The range and quantity of business ethical issues reflects the degree to which business is perceived to be at odds with non-economic social values. Historically, interest in business ethics accelerated dramatically during the 1980 s and 1990 s, both within major corporations and within academia. For example, today most major corporate websites lay emphasis on commitment to promoting non-economic social values under a variety of headings e.g. ethics codes, social responsibility charters
What are planets? Planets are kinda like asteroid around the sun. There are nine planets in the solar system, Mercury, Venus, Earth ( Our planet ), Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

The Terrestrial Planets The terrestrial planets are the four innermost planets in the solar system, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They are called terrestrial because they have a compact, rocky surface like the Earth’s. The planets, Venus, Earth, and Mars have significant atmospheres while Mercury has almost none. The following diagram shows the approximate distance of the terrestrial planets to the Sun.
The Sun
The Sun is the most prominent feature in our solar system. It is the largest object and contains approximately 98% of the total solar system mass. One hundred and nine Earths would be required to fit across the Sun’s disk, and its interior could hold over 1.3 million Earths. The Sun’s outer visible layer is called the photosphere and has a temperature of 6,000°C (11,000°F). This layer has a mottled appearance due to the turbulent eruptions of energy at the surface. Solar energy is created deep within the core of the Sun. It is here that the temperature (15,000,000° C — 27,000,000° F) and pressure (340 billion times Earth’s air pressure at sea level) is so intense that nuclear reactions take place. This reaction causes four protons or hydrogen nuclei to fuse together to form one alpha particle or helium nucleus. The alpha particle is about .7 percent less massive than the four protons. The difference in mass is expelled as energy and is carried to the surface of the Sun, through a process known as convection, where it is released as light and heat. Energy generated in the Sun’s core takes a million years to reach its surface. Every second 700 million tons of hydrogen are converted into helium ashes. In the process 5 million tons of pure energy is released — therefore, as time goes on the Sun is becoming lighter.The chromosphere is above the photosphere. Solar energy passes through this region on its way out from the center of the Sun. Faculae and flares arise in the chromosphere. Faculae are bright luminous hydrogen clouds which form above regions where sunspots are about to form. Flares are bright filaments of hot gas emerging from sunspot regions. Sunspots are dark depressions on the photosphere with a typical temperature of 4,000°C (7,000°F). The corona is the outer part of the Sun’s atmosphere. It is in this region that prominences appears. Prominences are immense clouds of glowing gas that erupt from the upper chromosphere. The outer region of the corona stretches far into space and consists of particles traveling slowly away from the Sun. The corona can only be seen during total solar eclipses. The Sun appears to have been active for 4.6 billion years and has enough fuel to go on for another five billion years or so. At the end of its life, the Sun will start to fuse helium into heavier elements and begin to swell up, ultimately growing so large that it will swallow the Earth. After a billion years as a red giant, it will suddenly collapse into a white dwarf — the final end product of a star like ours. It may take a trillion years to cool off completely.
It is the closest planet to the Sun, and second smallest planet in the solar system. Its diameter is 40% smaller than Earth and 40% larger than the Moon. It is even smaller thanJupiter’s moon Ganymede and Saturn’s moon Titan Mercury is one of the planet that doesn’t have a moon or salitlite obriting around it. Mercury obrit around ( and all the way ) the sun takes about 88 Earth days. Mercury has no atmosphere, and the planet is too small to hold one. With no atmosphere, there is no heat, so it’s temp. is about -133 C.Mercury was named by the Romans after the fleet-footed messenger of the gods because it seemed to move more quickly than any other planet,obriting around ( and all the way ) the sun takes about 88 Earth days. . If an explorer were to step onto the surface of Mercury, he would discover a world resembling lunar terrain. Mercury’s rolling, dust-covered hills have been eroded from the constant bombardment of meteorites. Fault-cliffs rise for several kilometers in height and extend for hundreds of kilometers. Craters dot the surface. The explorer would notice that the Sun appears two and a half times larger than on Earth — however, the sky is always black because Mercury has virtually no atmosphere to cause scattering of light. As the explorer gazes out into space, he might see two bright stars. One appearing as cream colored Venus and the other as blue colored Earth.
Venus is the second planet from the sun. Venus is very close to the Earth, the distance is about 41,400,00 km away, so sometimes, Venus is consider Earth’s twin. Both are similar in size, mass, density and volume. Both formed about the same time and condensed out of the same nebula. However, during the last few years scientists have found that the kinship ends here. Venus is very different from the Earth. It has no oceans and is surrounded by a heavy atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide with virtually no water vapor. Its clouds are composed of sulfuric acid droplets. At the surface, the atmospheric pressure is 92 times that of the Earth’s at sea-level. Venus shines more than any other planet. The obrit Venus takes around the sun is closer to a perfect circle than any other planets. The orbiting speed for Venus is about 35 km per second.Venus is one of the planet that doesn’t have a moon. Venus’s surface temperature of about 482° C (900° F). This high temperature is primarily due to a runaway greenhouse effect caused by the heavy atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Sunlight passes through the atmosphere to heat the surface of the planet. Heat is radiated out, but is trapped by the dense atmosphere and not allowed to escape into space. This makes Venus hotter than Mercury. A Venusian day is 243 Earth days and is longer than its year of 225 days. Oddly, Venus rotates from east to west. To an observer on Venus, the Sun would rise in the west and set in the east.
Earth is the third planet from the sunat a distance of about 150 million kilometers (93.2 million miles). It takes 365.256 days for the Earth to travel around the Sun and 23.9345 hours for the Earth rotate a complete revolution. It has a diameter of 12,756 kilometers (7,973 miles), only a few hundred kilometers larger than that of Venus. Our atmosphere is composed of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen and 1 percent other constituents. Earth is one of the planet that have a moon obriting around it. Earth surface is made of two-thirds water.Earth is the only planet in the solar system known to harbor life. Our planet’s rapid spin and molten nickel-iron core give rise to an extensive magnetic field, which, along with the atmosphere, shields us from nearly all of the harmful radiation coming from the Sun and other stars. Earth’s atmosphere protects us from meteors, most of which burn up before they can strike the surface.
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and is commonly referred to as the Red Planet. The rocks, soil and sky have a red or pink hue. The distinct red color was observed by stargazers throughout history. Before space exploration, Mars was considered the best candidate for harboring extraterrestrial life. Astronomers thought they saw straight ****s crisscrossing its surface. This led to the popular belief that irrigation canals on the planet had been constructed by intelligent beings. Another reason for scientists to expect life on Mars had to do with the apparent seasonal color changes on the planet’s surface. This phenomenon led to speculation that conditions might support a bloom of Martian vegetation during the warmer months and cause plant life to become dormant during colder periods. The atmosphere of Mars is quite different from that of Earth. It is composed primarily of carbon dioxide with small amounts of other gases. The six most common components of the atmosphere are: Carbon Dioxide (CO2): 95.32% ,Nitrogen (N2): 2.7% ,Argon (Ar): 1.6%,Oxygen (O2): 0.13%, Water (H2O): 0.03%, and Neon (Ne): 0.00025 % The average recorded temperature on Mars is -63° C (-81° F) with a maximum temperature of 20° C (68° F) and a minimum of -140° C (-220° F).
The Jovian Planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are known as the Jovian (Jupiter-like) planets, because they are all gigantic compared with Earth, and they have a gaseous nature like Jupiter’s. The Jovian planets are also referred to as the gas giants, although some or all of them might have small solid cores. The following diagram shows the approximate distance of the Jovian planets to the Sun.
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and is the largest one in the solar system. If Jupiter were hollow, more than one thousand Earths could fit inside. It also contains more matter than all of the other planets combined. It has a mass of 1.9 x 1027 kg and is 142,800 kilometers (88,736 miles) across the equator. Jupiter possesses 28 known satellites, four of which – Callisto, Europa, Ganymede and Io.The atmosphere is very deep, perhaps comprising the whole planet, and is somewhat like the Sun. It is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, with small amounts of methane, ammonia, water vapor and other compounds. At great depths within Jupiter, the pressure is so great that the hydrogen atoms are broken up and the electrons are freed so that the resulting atoms consist of bare protons. This produces a state in which the hydrogen becomes llic. Colorful latitudinal bands, atmospheric clouds and storms illustrate Jupiter’s dynamic weather systems. The cloud patterns change within hours or days. The Great Red Spot is a complex storm moving in a counter-clockwise direction. At the outer edge, material appears to rotate in four to six days — near the center, motions are small and nearly random in direction. An array of other smaller storms and eddies can be found through out the banded clouds. Auroral emissions, similar to Earth’s northern lighta, were observed in the polar regions of Jupiter. The auroral emissions appear to be related to material from Io that spirals along magnetic field ****s to fall into Jupiter’s atmosphere. Cloud-top lightning bolts, similar to superbolts in Earth’s high atmosphere, were also observed. Unlike Saturn’s intricate and complex ring patterns, Jupiter has a simple ring system that is composed of an inner halo, a main ring and a Gossamer ring.Galileo imagery provided the unexpected discovery that Gossamer is really two rings. One ring is embedded within the other. The rings are very tenuous and are composed of dust particles kicked up as interplanetary meteoroids smash into Jupiter’s four small inner moons Metis, Adrastea, Thebe, and Amalthea. Many of the particles are microscopic in size.
Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and is the second largest in the solar system with an equatorial diameter of 119,300 kilometers (74,130 miles).Saturn is visibly flattened at the poles, a result of the very fast rotation of the planet on its axis. Its day is 10 hours, 39 minutes long, and it takes 29.5 Earth years to revolve about the Sun. The atmosphere is primarily composed of hydrogen with small amounts of helium and methane. Saturn is the only planet less dense than water (about 30 percent less). In the unlikely event that a large enough ocean could be found, Saturn would float in it. Saturn’s hazy yellow hue is marked by broad atmospheric banding similar to, but fainter than, that found on Jupiter.Saturn’s ring system makes the planet one of the most beautiful objects in the solar system. The rings are split into a number of different parts, which include the bright A and B rings and a fainter C ring. The ring system has various gaps. The most notable gap is the Cassini [kah-SEE-nee] Division, which separates the A and B rings. Saturn has 30 named satellites and more continue to be discovered.
Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and is the third largest in the solar system. It has an equatorial diameter of 51,800 kilometers (32,190 miles) and orbits the Sun once every 84.01 Earth years. It has a mean distance from the Sun of 2.87 billion kilometers (1.78 billion miles). The length of a day on Uranus is 17 hours 14 minutes. Uranus has at least 22 moons. The atmosphere of Uranus is composed of 83% hydrogen, 15% helium, 2% methane and small amounts of acetylene and other hydrocarbons. Methane in the upper atmosphere absorbs red light, giving Uranus its blue-green color. The atmosphere is arranged into clouds running at constant latitudes, similar to the orientation of the more vivid latitudinal bands seen on Jupiter and Saturn. Winds at mid-latitudes on Uranus blow in the direction of the planet’s rotation. These winds blow at velocities of 40 to 160 meters per second (90 to 360 miles per hour). Radio science experiments found winds of about 100 meters per second blowing in the opposite direction at the equator. Uranus is distinguished by the fact that it is tipped on its side. Its unusual position is thought to be the result of a collision with a planet-sized body early in the solar system’s history.One of the most striking influences of this sideways position is its effect on the tail of the magnetic field, which is itself tilted 60 degrees from the planet’s axis of rotation. The magnetotailwas shown to be twisted by the planet’s rotation into a long corkscrew shape behind the planet. The magnetic field source is unknown — the electrically conductive, super-pressurized ocean of water and ammonia once thought to lie between the core and the atmosphere now appears to be nonexistent. The magnetic fields of Earth and other planets are believed to arise from electrical currents produced in their molten cores. In 1977, the first nine rings of Uranus were discovered. During the Voyager encounters, these rings were photographed and measured, as were two other new rings and ringlets. Uranus’ rings are distinctly different from those at Jupiter and Saturn. The outermost epsilon ring is composed mostly of ice boulders several feet across. A very tenuous distribution of fine dust also seems to be spread throughout the ring system. There may be a large number of narrow rings, or possibly incomplete rings or ring arcs, as small as 50 meters (160 feet) in width. The individual ring particles were found to be of low reflectivity. At least one ring, the epsilon, was found to be gray in color. The moons Cordelia and Ophelia act as shepherd satellites for the epsilon ring. The other known rings are Alpha, Beta ,Gamma, and Delta.
Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun. Neptune is the outermost planet of the gas giants. It has an equatorial diameter of 49,500 kilometers (30,760 miles). If Neptune were hollow, it could contain nearly 60 Earths. Neptune orbits the Sun every 165 years. It has eight moons.A day on Neptune is 16 hours and 6.7 minutes.The first two thirds of Neptune is composed of a mixture of molten rock, water, liquid ammonia and methane. The outer third is a mixture of heated gases comprised of hydrogen, helium, water and methane. Methane gives Neptune its blue cloud color. Neptune is a dynamic planet with several large, dark spots reminiscent of Jupiter’s hurricane-like storms. The largest spot, known as the Great Dark Spot, is about the size of the earth and is similar to the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. The strongest winds on any planet were measured on Neptune. Most of the winds there blow westward, opposite to the rotation of the planet. Near the Great Dark Spot, winds blow up to 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles) an hour. Neptune has a set of four rings which are narrow and very faint. The rings are made up of dust particles thought to have been made by tiny meteorites smashing into Neptune’s moons. From ground based telescopes the rings appear to be arcs but from Voyager 2 the arcs turned out to be bright spots or clumps in the ring system. The exact cause of the bright clumps is unknown. The magnetic field of Neptune, like that of Uranus, is highly tilted at 47 degrees from the rotation axis and offset at least 0.55 radii (about 13,500 kilometers or 8,500 miles) from the physical center. Comparing the magnetic fields of the two planets, scientists think the extreme orientation may be characteristic of flows in the interior of the planet and not the result of that planet’s sideways orientation or of any possible field reversals at either planet. Long bright clouds, similar to cirrus clouds on Earth, were seen high in Neptune’s atmosphere

الحال من بعضه يختيه

Business Project

سلآآآم عليڪم .. شحآلڪن بنآآآت ..
آبي منڪم سآعدوني ..
آنآ عندي بروجيڪت في بزنس ومستنآ طووول مآ تسآعد ولآ تشرح .. وآن قلنآلهآ شرحي لنآ تقول مشڪلتڪم مآ تفهمون ..
ولي آريده منڪم آسم معهد آو حد يفهم في آلبزنس ..
ولآ لي نفس بروجڪت مآلنآ تفهمني ..
وانا Diploma , Sem2
وضني هأأ البروجيكت اسمه Career options
ولي تعرف شي تخبرني ..
والمعهد لي اباه في العيين ..~


والله مآسي الحينه هالمدرسات والمدرسين والتعليم كله امخبص الله المستعان

ان شاءالله ااتحصلين



بلييييز بنااات لي تعرف تخبرني ..~

يمكن شرات مالنا

بس اوصفيلي شو المطلوب

السلام عليكم
هلا اختي اشحالج ؟
اففففففف ما اداني المدرسين الي جي
مره طاحبنا دكتور فلندن و نفس الحاله بعد
اذا بغيتي عندي موقع تدفعين فلوووس و ايسولج البروجكت كامل
اذا تبينه كلمين ع الخاص و بطرشلج اللنك ماله
بس صراحه الموقع روعه و شغله مضمومون و انا اصلن ما حب احب كل شغلي بروحي بس في دكاتره يستاهلون اتقصين عليهم صراحه .

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e- business اللي عنده خلفيه عن هالتخصص

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

شحالكم ؟

أنا اخت لازم اسم ^^

بغيت أستفيد منكم بخصوص تخصص e- business

كيف دراسته تكون وعن شو وهل دراسته ممتعه

وبنفس الوقت وين أقدر اتوظف بشهادته .

لاني محتاره مابين هالتخصص وبين Business Administration

فاللي عنده خلفيه عن هالتخصص يفيدني .

والسمـــوحـــه .

هو عباره عن تخصص تجاره الكترونيه .. حلو لكن غير رائج بالدوله .. انصحج بادارة الاعمال

اذكر المس كانت تقول اللي محتارة بين البزنس والآي تي تدخل هالتخصص ..

وان شالله البنات يفيدونج اكثر ^^

لوول ..
اول ماقريت هالتخصص تذكرت واحد كان يشتكي من هالتخصص ..

طبعا هو متخرج .. ويوم بغى يتوظف مالقى وظيفه مناسبه تناسب مجال دراسته ..

وحليله الحينه بيكمل ماستر عشان يغير تخصصه .. لأن مب معروف هالتخصص وايد في الامارات ..

انصحج تختارين الثاني خليجية

خليج عالبزنس أحسن لج

تتوظفين في اي مكان وكل مكان

International Business

بغيت معلومات عن تخصص:-

International Business

هل هو مطلوب في سوق العمل؟ مثل باجي التخصصات:- الموارد البشرية, المحاسبة, …..الخ.

اتريا ردكم … يزاكم الله خير

ما شي رد ؟؟؟؟


اتمنى اتفيدوني


محد يدرس هالتخصص

اعرف واحد كان يدرس هالتخصص و خلص البكالريوس
بس احينه يدرس شي ثاني ماجستير برع البلاد
احس هالتخصصات ما تناسبنا.. ماعرف و الله بالضبط شو هو التخصص
بس من اللي اسمعه مب وايد يبونه ف سوق العمل

Business Card

مسا الخير ع الجميع

بنات لو سمحتوا هاي ثاني مره اكتب طلبي هذا عل وعسى القى الجواب عندكم
بليز اللي تعرف وين ممكن اسوي البزنس كارد بليز اتخبرني ظروري بس يكون فدبي

مكتبة الفرقان اتصلي فيهم واسأليهم في اي فرع يسوون وسيريلهم


لو انتي في بوظبي ::

سيري عند المكتباات الي تبيع لوازم المكاتب من قرطاسيه وهاالسوالف ::

اكيد عندهم اونه انهم يدلوونج ع مكاان

خليجية المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سكون دبي خليجية
مكتبة الفرقان اتصلي فيهم واسأليهم في اي فرع يسوون وسيريلهم

مشكوووره حبيبتي ان شاءالله بتصل بهم باجر واسال

خليجية المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الريــ بوظبي ـم خليجية
لو انتي في بوظبي ::

سيري عند المكتباات الي تبيع لوازم المكاتب من قرطاسيه وهاالسوالف ::

اكيد عندهم اونه انهم يدلوونج ع مكاان

تسلمين فديتج البنات ما قصرن مشكوره الغاليه

Business Card

مراحب اخواتي شحالكن

اخواتي وين اقدر احصل اماكن اي محلات تسوي بيزنس كارد براااك

واطلع ع تصميماااتهم ابغيها ضروري

ممكن تسااعدوني بليييييييييييييييييييييز




حياج عندي عالخاص ..

ان شالله تحصلين طلبج اختي