This is a true story from the Japanese Embassy in US!!!

A few days ago, Prime Minister Mori was given some Basic English conversation training before he visits Washington and meets president Barack Obama…

The instructor told Mori Prime Minister, when you shake hand with President Obama, please say ‘how r u’.
Then Mr. Obama should say, ‘I am fine, and you?’ Now, you should say ‘me too’. Afterwards we, translators, will do the work for you.’

It looks quite simple, but the truth is…

When Mori met Obama, he mistakenly said ‘who r u?’ (Instead of ‘How r u?’.)

Mr. Obama was a bit shocked but still managed to react with humor:
‘Well, I’m Michelle’s husband, ha-ha…’

Then Mori replied ‘me too, ha-ha.. .’.

Then there was a long silence in the meeting room.

hahahaha how Shame he is
i guaranty you that Mori will not talk even a single English word to the end of his life

Looooooooooooooooooool !!!!!!!


30 story books free…g2ew%253D%253D

ادعولي الله يفرج كربي و يحقق مناي يارب يشفيني من الوسواس

مشكورة اختي

يا رب فرج همها .. واعنها على ما ابتليتها..يا رحيم

كلـ دلع ـي

thanx alot

و الله يفرج كربتج و يحقق مناج ويارب يشفيج من الوسواس .. آمين ..

.. حـ الإمارات ـلا ..

موفقه ان شاء الله

الله يفرج كربي وكربك وكربة كل مسلم يا رحمن

مشكووورة يالغالية…
الله يفك كربربج….وبيعد عنج الوسواس…
آآآآآمين يا ربي

و الله يفرج كربتج و يحقق مناج ويارب يشفيج من الوسواس

لمحبــات المخبوزات والحــلوياات << مرحبا بكم >> ويايه في Bread StorY

مرحبا خواااتي…

شخباااركم…؟؟ عدت أليكم من جديد.. فــ رحله يديده.. خليجية

هالمره لمخبز.. (( bread Story)) تم أفتتاحه فــ (( ند الحمر)) بجانب نادي بالرميثــه في دبـــي…

كل مره أخطف من صوبه.. ولا فكرة أدخله…
قلت هالمره ليش ماأدخل وأشوف شو عندهم… وطلعت من عندهم بكل ماهو مفيد لكم..
نبتدي ونقول بسم الله…

[[ الشكل الخارجي للمخبـــزٍ}}

لقطــه داخليه..

جانب من الفطاير المحلى والكيك الأسفنجي الهش..


الفطاير المالحه… بأأنواااعها.. حتى بالتونه.. خليجية

وهني.. الحلوياات.. بأشكااال حلوه..


صوره أقـــرب..
>>> يـــتبــــــع..>>>>


أحلى ديــزاااينااات الكيك.. ( برج العرب..))..
وهنـــي ديزاااين ثااني.. لمزهريه .. خليجية
الخبز حااار وطري… يمي… للي حااب يغير في العشااا… خليجيةوألا شو ماكان الوقت..


خليجيةوبجذي خلصت تصـــوير من المحل… خليجية

وتعاالواا ويااايه وشوفوا مشتريااات البسيطه..خليجية

كيك أسفنجي رول.. (( هش هش.. )) وفيه منه أنوااع… فانيلا.. جوكليت.. و جوكليت وفانيلا..

وفانيلا بالزبيب… خليجية

وهني فطيره سكريه بالكستر.. (( حق بنوتي))..


ونسيت أصور الفطاير اللي أشتريتهم… (( فطيره أصابع الجبن السحريه.. وتونه… ونقانق بالمشروم…)).
وألحين.. بواافيكم.. بالمينوووو… ومااافيه.. ماطوفت لكم شيء.. (( طيبه فديت رووووحي))خليجية


وين فند الحمر بنسير نجرب منه …


وهذا تصويري من المنيو… خليجية الكيكه في الصوره تشهي… وااو…


وهني منيو.. للدجاج.. والفطاير الأٍسفنجيه.. خليجية


معجناااات… وفلوسي… خليجية


الرغيف بأنواااعه وأسعاااااره..


جانب أخـــر من الحلويااات… خليجية (( لمحبي الحلويااات)).


وينـــتهي تصويري…

أتمنى أني وفقت في الأختيااار.

والسموحه على رداااءة التصوير.. لانه من الموباايل.. !!!

ونتريا ردودكم الحلوهخليجية

خليجية المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة WFOY خليجية
وين فند الحمر بنسير نجرب منه …

الغاااليه.. بنفس بنااية نادي بالرميـــثه…

ومرحبا بج..

خليجية المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سوارة خليجية

مرورج الأحلى… خليجية

Can’t Sell then eat Shit !!! – Moral Story

A new vacuum cleaner salesman knocked on the door on the
first house of the street. A tall lady answered the door.

Before she could speak, the enthusiastic salesman barged
into the living room and opened a big black plastic bag and
poured all the cow droppings onto the carpet.

"Madam, if I could not clean this up with the use of
this new powerful Vacuum cleaner, I will EAT all this
dung!" exclaimed the eager salesman .

"Do you need chilly sauce or ketchup with that"
asked the lady.

The bewildered salesman asked, "Why, madam?"

"There’s no electricity in the house…" said
the lady

MORAL: Gather all resources before working on any project
and committing to the client…!!!

Emotional Moral Story

Sanjay, a rich guy, loved fast cars and he did have a few in his possession. He loved to speed and could not be bothered about breaking speed limits. Many a times he was caught by the cops and speed radars, fined, but still he never bothered until. One day as he was driving at a very high speed as usual, he saw a cop following him. The cop overtook him finally and asked him to stop and checked his license. He then took out his pad and started Writing, and then handed over the sheet of paper to Sanjay. How much was this one going to cost?!!! Wait a minute. What was this???? Some kind of joke? Certainly not a ticket.

Sanjay began to read:

"Dear Sanjay,
Once upon a time I had a lovely daughter. She was six when killed by a car.
You guessed it – a speeding driver’s car. A fine and three months in jail, and the man was free. Free to hug his three daughters. I only had one, and I’m going to have to wait until Heaven,
before I can ever hug her again. A thousand times I’ve tried to forgive that man. A thousand
times I thought I had. Maybe I did, but I need to do it again. Even now. Pray for me.. And be careful, Sanjay, my son is all I have left."

Sanjay turned around in time to see the cop’s car pull away and head down the road. He watched until it disappeared. A full 15 minutes later, he too, pulled away and drove slowly home, praying for forgiveness and hugging a surprised wife and kids when he arrived. Life is precious. Handle it with care.

Pass this on, you may save a life, we never know

nice story

A woman’s husband had been slipping in and out of a coma for several months

كان احد الأزواج يصحو ويعود الى الغيبوبة لعدة اشهر
yet she had stayed by his bedside every single day.One day, when he came to, he motioned

ومع ذلك كانت الزوجة الى جانب سريره في كل يوم من تلك الأيام. وفي أحد الأيام عندما افاق الزوج اشار

for her to come nearer. As she sat by him, he whispered, eyes full of tears,

الى زوجته أن اقتربي اكثر. وما ان جلست إلى جانبه حتى همس اليها و عيناه مغرورقتان بالدموع, قائلا:

"You know what? You have been with me through all the bad times.

أتعلمين؟ لقد وقفت الى جانبي في كل الأوقات العصيبه

When I got fired, you were there to support me.

عندما فصلت من العمل, كنت هناك لتسانديني

When my business failed, you were there.

وعندما خسرت في تجارتي, كنت هناك لي

When I got shot, you were by my side.

وحينما اصبت بالرصاص, كنت الى جانبي

When we lost the house, you stayed right here.

وعندما خسرنا منزلنا, بقيت هنا معي

When my health started failing, you were still by my side…

وعندما بدأت صحتي بالتدهور, ظللت الى قربية

You know what?" "What dear?", she gently asked, smiling as her

heart began to fill with warmth.

أتعلمين؟ ؟؟؟"ماذا ياعزيزي" سألت بكل لطف, مبتسمة وقلبها ممتلئ بالدفء

"I think you’re bad luck."

اعتقد انك حظ سىء لي


مشكووره اختي الغاليه ..

يزاج الله خير شوق دبي على المرور


بس وين الباقي؟؟؟!!!


الله يسلمج الغاليه

تسلمين الغالية



Farmer help for free and still wins !!! How?, Why? Ultimate Story

There was a farmer who grew superior quality, award-winning corn in his farm. Each year, he entered his corn in the state fair where it won honors & prizes.

One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew his corn. The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seed corn with his neighbors.

"How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbors when they are entering corn in competition with

yours each year?" The reporter asked. "Why brother"

” The farmer replied, "Didn’t you know? The wind picks up pollen grains from the ripening corn and swirls it from field to field.

If my neighbors grow inferior, sub-standard & poor quality corn, cross-pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my corn. If I have to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors to grow good corns."

The farmer gave a superb insight into the connectedness of life. His corn cannot improve unless his neighbors’ corn also improves. So it is in the other dimensions and areas of life!

Those who choose to be in harmony must help their neighbors and colleagues to be at peace. Those who choose to live well must help others live well. The value of a life is measured by the lives it touches…Success does not happen in isolation; it is most often a participatory and collective process. So share the good practices, ideas and new knowledge with your family, friends, team members and neighbors & all.

short story teaches a great lesson

قصة رائعة باللغة الانجليزية ومترجمة الى العربي

It teaches a great Lesson and I hope you read and enjoy

There was a boy who was always losing his temper. His father gave him a bag full of nails and said to him, “My son, I want you to hammer a nail into our garden fence every time you need to direct your anger against something and you lose your temper.”

So the son started to follow his father’s advice. On the first day he hammered in 37 nails, but getting the nails into the fence was not easy, so he started trying to control himself when he got . As the days went by, he was hammering in less nails, and within weeks he was able to control himself and was able to refrain from getting and from hammering nails. He came to his father and told him what he had achieved. His father was with his efforts and said to him: “But now, my son, you have to take out a nail for every day that you do not get .”

The son started to take out the nails for each day that he did not get , until there were no nails left in the fence.

He came to his father and told him what he had achieved. His father took him to the fence and said, “My son, you have done well, but look at these holes in the fence. This fence will never be the same again.” Then he added: “When you say things in a state of anger, they leave marks like these holes on the hearts of others. You can stab a person and withdraw the knife but it doesn’t matter how many times you say ‘I’m sorry,’ because the wound will remain.

واليكم الترجمـــه بالعربي

كان هناك ولد عصبي وكان يفقد صوابه بشكل مستمر فأحضر له والده كيساً مملوءاً بالمسامير وقال له :

يا بني أريدك أن تدق مسماراً في سياج حديقتنا الخشبي كلما اجتاحتك موجة غضب وفقدت أعصابك .

وهكذا بدأ الولد بتنفيذ نصيحة والده ….

فدق في اليوم الأول 37 مسماراً ، ولكن إدخال المسمار في السياج لم يكن سهلاً .

فبدأ يحاول تمالك نفسه عند الغضب ، وبعدها وبعد مرور أيام كان يدق مسامير أقل ، وفي أسابيع تمكن من ضبط نفسه ، وتوقف عن الغضب وعن دق المسامير ، فجاء والده وأخبره بإنجازه ففرح الأب بهذا التحول ، وقال له : ولكن عليك الآن يا بني استخراج مسمار لكل يوم يمر عليك لم تغضب فيه .

وبدأ الولد من جديد بخلع المسامير في اليوم الذي لا يغضب فيه حتى انتهى من المسامير في السياج .

فجاء إلى والده وأخبره بإنجازه مرة أخرى ، فأخذه والده إلى السياج وقال له : يا بني أحسنت صنعاً ، ولكن انظر الآن إلى تلك الثقوب في السياج ، هذا السياج لن يكون كما كان أبداً ، وأضاف :

عندما تقول أشياء في حالة الغضب فإنها تترك آثاراً مثل هذه الثقوب في نفوس الآخرين .

تستطيع أن تطعن الإنسان وتُخرج السكين ولكن لا يهم كم مرة تقول : أنا آسف لأن الجرح سيظل هناك .


thanx sis

looking 4 more خليجية

hi fato0osh
thanks for your following up

thank u for the wondrful story

The Story of Mother’s Day

The earliest Mother’s Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. During the 1600’s, England celebrated a day called "Mothering Sunday". Celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent (the 40 day period leading up to Easter*), "Mothering Sunday" honored the mothers of England.
*(For more information on Lent/Easter check out
During this time many of the England’s poor worked as servants for the wealthy. As most jobs were located far from their homes, the servants would live at the houses of their employers. On Mothering Sunday the servants would have the day off and were encouraged to return home and spend the day with their mothers. A special cake, called the mothering cake,


Short Story

A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard.

She did not recognize them. She said "I don’t think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat."

خرجت إمرأه من منزلها فرأت ثلاثة شيوخ لهم لحى بيضاء طويلة وكانوا جالسين في فناء منزلها.

لم تعرفهم. وقالت لا أظنني اعرفكم ولكن لابد أنكم جوعى. ارجوكم تفضلوا بالدخول لتأكلوا.


"Is the man of the house home?" they asked.

سألوها: هل رب البيت موجود؟


"No", she replied. "He’s out."

فأجابت :لا، إنه بالخارج.


"Then we cannot come in", they replied.

فردوا: إذن لا يمكننا الدخول.


In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.

وفي المساء وعندما عاد زوجها أخبرته بما حدث.


"Go tell them I am home and invite them in."

قال لها :إذهبي اليهم واطلبي منهم أن يدخلوا!


The woman went out and invited the men in.

فخرجت المرأة و طلبت إليهم أن يدخلوا.


"We do not go into a House together!" they replied.

فردوا: نحن لا ندخل المنزل مجتمعين.


"Why is that?" she asked.

سألتهم : ولماذا؟


One of the old men explained: "His name is Wealth," he said as pointing to one of his friends, and said, pointing to another one, "He is Success, and I am Love." Then he added, "Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home."

فأوضح لها أحدهم قائلا: هذا اسمه (الثروة) وهو يومئ نحو احد اصدقائه، وهذا (النجاح) وهو يومئ نحو الآخر وأنا (المحبة)،

وأكمل قائلا: والآن ادخلي وتناقشي مع زوجك من منا تريدان أن يدخل منزلكم.


The woman went in and told her husband what was said.

Her husband was overjoyed.

"How nice!" he said. "Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth. Let him come and fill our home with wealth!"

دخلت المرأة واخبرت زوجها ما قيل.

فغمرت السعادة زوجها وقال: ياله من شئ حسن، وطالما كان الأمر على هذا النحو فلندعوا (الثروة).

دعيه يدخل و يملئ منزلنا بالثراء!


His wife disagreed. "My dear, why don’t we invite Success?"

فخالفته زوجته قائلة: عزيزي، لم لا ندعو (النجاح)؟


Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house.

She jumped in with her own suggestion: "Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love."

كل ذلك كان على مسمع من زوجة ابنهم وهي في احد زوايا المنزل.

فأسرعت باقتراحها قائلة: اليس من الأجدر ان ندعوا (المحبة)؟ فمنزلنا حينها سيمتلئ بالحب!


"Let us heed our daughter-in-law’s advice," said the husband to his wife!

فقال الزوج: دعونا نأخذ بنصيحة زوجة ابننا!


"Go out and invite Love to be our guest."

إخرجي وادعي (المحبة) ليحل ضيفا علينا!


The woman went out and asked the three old men, "Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest."

خرجت المرأة وسألت الشيوخ الثلاثة: أيكم (المحبة)؟ ارجو ان يتفضل بالدخول ليكون ضيفنا.


Love got up and started walking toward the house.

The other two also got up and followed him.

Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success: "I only invited Love; Why are you coming in?"

نهض (المحبة) وبدأ بالمشي نحو المنزل. فنهض الإثنان الآخران وتبعاه، وهي مندهشة

سألت المرأة كلا من (الثروة) و(النجاح)قائلة : لقد دعوت (المحبة ) فقط ، فلماذا تدخلان معه؟


The old men replied together: "If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would’ve stayed out,

but since you invited Love, wherever he goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success."

فرد الشيخان: لو كنت دعوت (الثروة) أو (النجاح) لظل الإثنان الباقيان خارجا،

ولكن كونك دعوت (المحبة) فأينما يذهب نذهب معه.

أينما توجد المحبة، يوجد الثراء والنجاح.

واتمنى ان تنال اعجابكم …

شكككككككككككرا لك

مرت الغالي …

مشكورة اختي على المرور الطيب …..

الله يعطيكم الف عافية …

جزاك الله خير

ام فيصل

العفو الغالية …. وتسلمين على الرد الطيب…

شكرا علىا لقصه الحلوه والله يديم المحبه بين الناس اجمعين